The eighth generation
The eighth generation
Count Anton-Wolfgang von Faber-Castell (1941-2016)

Count Anton-Wolfgang von Faber-Castell (1941-2016)

Count Anton-Wolfgang von Faber-Castell took over as head of the company in 1978. In the same year, he extended the portfolio by producing wood-cased cosmetic pencils for firms selling under their own labels. In the three decades that followed, the Faber-Castell Group continued its role as a global player with roots in Germany. .
A global player with roots in Germany
A global player with roots in Germany

New markets were opened up around the world with the founding of further foreign subsidiaries and factories, especially in South America (Argentina 1988, Costa Rica 1996, Colombia 1998, Chile 2006) and the Asia/Pacific region (Malaysia 1978, Hong Kong 1979, Indonesia 1990, India 1997, Singapore 2000, and China 2001).

Unique forestry project in Prata
Unique forestry project in Prata

Environmental aspects also came increasingly to the fore in the corporate way of thinking. So as to assure future supplies of wood, an important resource for a pencil manufacturer, in the mid-1980s the Count initiated a forestry project in south-eastern Brazil that has remained unique to this day.

Restructuring of the product range into five fields of competence
Restructuring of the product range into five fields of competence

The early 1990s were marked by a strategic reorganization and restructuring of the product range into five fields of competence. Count Anton-Wolfgang von Faber-Castell put his trust more than ever in the status of a global premium brand. The packaging design was also adapted as part of the brand’s realignment.

Eco Manager of the Year

A new chapter in the long tradition of social responsibility was opened in March 2000 when Count Anton-Wolfgang von Faber-Castell signed an internationally valid social charter that meets the guidelines of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

In 2008, Anton-Wolfgang Graf von Faber-Castell received the „Eco Manager of the Year“ award from WWF and Capital for his commitment. In 2010 he was awarded the Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Anton-Wolfgang Graf von Faber-Castell died on 21st January 2016.

The fourth generation
The fourth generation
Baron Lothar von Faber (1817-1896) The factory develops into a company with international standing
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The fifth generation
The fifth generation
Baron Wilhelm von Faber (1851-1893)
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The sixth generation
The sixth generation
Countess Ottilie and Count Alexander von Faber-Castell (1866-1928)
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The seventh generation
The seventh generation
Count Roland von Faber-Castell (1905-1978)
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The ninth generation
The ninth generation
Managing Board and Shareholders (Ninth Generation)
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Did you know?
Faber-Castell produces over 2.3 billion wood-cased pencils every year.
Faber-Castell produces over 2.3 billion wood-cased pencils every year.
Did you know?
Faber-Castell grows about 20 cubic metres of wood every hour, which corresponds to around 1 truck load.
Faber-Castell grows about 20 cubic metres of wood every hour, which corresponds to around 1 truck load.
Did you know?
Faber-Castell produces over 2.3 billion wood-cased pencils every year.
Faber-Castell produces over 2.3 billion wood-cased pencils every year.
Did you know?
The profile of wood-cased pencils was changed from round to hexagonal/triangle because they were constantly rolling off the table.
The profile of wood-cased pencils was changed from round to hexagonal/triangle because they were constantly rolling off the table.